110a. Addiction Treatment Marketing II (Courses Toward a Certificate In Addiction Treatment Marketing (C-ATM))

8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Kristina Sherry, Esq
Andrew Martin, MBA LAADC

Supported by: Behavioral Health Association of Providers

Level of Instruction: Introductory/Intermediate

In this course you examine the fundamental questions, “What is addiction treatment marketing?” and “How is addiction treatment marketing distinct from marketing in general?” You explore key issues related to compliance and enforcement, including the stakeholders, relevant healthcare laws, potentially abusive practices, as well as fees, reimbursements, and services. You also consider best practices related to outreach, referrals, and building trust and relationships with patients, families, and other treatment professionals.

This course qualifies as one of six courses in the C-ATM Certification (note that 36 hours are required for certification which can be completed online).

In sessions one we will be discussing…
– Healthcare law, compliance, and enforcement
– Potentially abusive practices